Keheliya Gallaba, Ph.D.

Software Engineering Researcher
Waterloo Centre for Software Excellence, Huawei Canada
Kingston, ON, Canada | @keheliya | @keheliya | keheliya | DBLP | Google Scholar

I completed my Ph.D. in Software Engineering at McGill University advised by Dr. Shane McIntosh. In May 2016, I received my MASc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, at the University of British Columbia. At UBC, I was advised by Dr. Ali Mesbah and Dr. Ivan Beschastnikh. My research is in mining large-scale data sources in software engineering (e.g., GitHub, StackOverflow, and TravisCI) to uncover patterns and to provide insights for developers and tool builders. I'm also interested in programming languages, CI/CD, and empirical software engineering.

I have worked as a Software Engineer at WSO2, Fortinet, and Wise Systems. I have conducted research at Microsoft Research Lab in Cambridge and YourBase to build developer tools. In my free time, I enjoy reading and contributing to open source projects. This is a timeline of important events in my life.


