A Smart Thermo-Electric Grid

Linked to the UBC Living Lab initiative, this project is looking at real-time energy generation, distribution, storage and consumption on campus to develop methods and strategies to optimize the system and meet UBC’s green house gas emissions goals. As part of the Living Lab, ECE will pursue collaborations with industry to provide rich research opportunities for students and faculty, using the University’s physical infrastructure itself as a test bed for new ideas and a demonstration site for innovative technologies.

Honeywell and UBC recently agreed on the terms of a specific agreement in the pursuit of this initiative. Discussions with Cisco Systems are ongoing.

At this early stage, the Honeywell partnership project also includes:

  • Developing a business case for a smart-energy micro-grid (SEMG) demonstration project involving 12 UBC buildings
  • Developing a complimentary research program supporting the further development of technologies associated with the SEMG

Expressed potential partnership areas include:

  • Joint development of network security layer for SEMGs
  • Development of information management and analytics for data generated on a complex smart grid
  • Research and development of a comprehensive solution blueprint for energy conservation through timely delivery of meaningful information to suppliers and consumers

The partnership will engage a broad spectrum of the campus research community. A UBC-wide research committee has been established. Currently, it is composed of the following individuals: A. Ivanov (ECE, chair), L. Van Duzer (SALA), J. Marti (ECE), M. Senbel (SCARP), N. Guppy (Sociology) , R. Rensink (Computer Science).