Introducing Hamidreza Boostanimehr: One of ECE’s newly minted graduates

Hamidreza Boostanimehr with his supervisor Prof. Bhargava

During his studies, Hamidreza has watched cellular wireless systems evolve from the second generation (2G) to the implementation of 4G today. As he is completing his PhD, telecommunications is moving towards 5G, initiating massive amounts of research to develop the standards for wireless systems in 2020.  He is looking forward to being part of how wireless systems continue to evolve in the future.

Hamidreza started getting interested in communications and signal processing while working on his Bachelor Degree at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran. One of the first things that attracted him was the challenging mathematics. After he discovered that he was intrigued by the concepts in the field he filled his fourth year electives with communications courses. He joined Professor Vijay Bhargava’s research team as a Master’s student and continued at UBC for his PhD.

Mobile data traffic has grown exponentially during the last decade and CISCO VNI, among others, predicts it will keep on growing. Hamidreza’s PhD research investigated the use of heterogeneous networks (HetNets) to help the telecommunications industry cope with the growth. HetNets combine high powered base stations with low powered base stations and relay nodes to increase wireless coverage by creating a more flexible and use of the available infrastructure.

HetNets  create new technical challenges. Hamidreza’s research addressed a number of these challenges including outage analyses and relay allocation schemes. You can read about the elements of his thesis that have been published so far in the papers listed here.

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Hamidreza Boostanimehr

Data Communications Group