CPEN 312

Digital Systems and Microcomputers

Data representation in digital computers; boolean algebra; the design and optimization and implementation of combinatorial and sequential circuits; modern digital circuit technologies; memory and programmable logic devices; organization and operation of microcomputers; data/address bus organization; input-output interfacing. Credit will be given for only one of CPEN 312 or CPEN 211.

CPEN 312 is intended to teach the fundamentals of digital systems and introduce the students to microcontrollers. The course will be supplemented by laboratory sessions where the students will learn the practical aspects of designing a variety of digital circuits and programming digital devices.

3 credits

Course Topics

  • Data representation in digital computers;
  • Boolean algebra;
  • The design and implementation of combinatorial and sequential circuits;
  • Modern digital circuit technologies;
  • Memory and programmable logic devices;
  • Organization and operation of microcomputers

Textbook (optional)

Digital Fundamentals – 10th Edition, Thomas Floyd, Prentice-Hall ISBN  0132359235


ONE of
ELEC 201 – Circuit Analysis I
ELEC 203 – Basic Circuit Analysis
ELEC 204 – Linear Circuits
MECH 221 – Engineering Science I