Undergraduate Course List

Browse the table below for all of our undergraduate courses. Please note that not all courses listed are offered every year, and we recommend that you visit the UBC Course Schedule for the most up-to-date and accurate course listings for the upcoming terms.

Please note that traditionally there are less courses available during the summer months, so please take this into account when planning your course schedules.

For more information on the program curriculum and courses specific to each of the ECE Undergraduate Program options, please see our Undergraduate Program webpage.

ELEC 400 Topics in Electrical Engineering 1-8
CPEN 400 Topics in Electrical Engineering 1-8
ELEC 401 Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit Design 3
ELEC 402 Introduction to VLSI Systems 4
ELEC 403 Advanced Digital VLSI Systems 3
ELEC 404 RF Integrated Circuits 3
CPEN 411 Computer Architecture 4
ELEC 411 Antennas and Propagation 3
CPEN 412 Microcomputer Systems Design 4
ELEC 412 Optical Waveguides and Photonics 3
ELEC 413 Semiconductor Lasers 3
ELEC 415 Semiconductor Devices: Physics, Design and Analysis 3
CPEN 416 Gate Model Quantum Computing
CPEN 421 Software Project Management 4
ELEC 421 Digital Signal and Image Processing 3
CPEN 422 Software Testing and Analysis 4
ELEC 422 Biosignals and Systems 3
ELEC 431 Communication Systems I 3
CPEN 431 Design of Distributed Software Applications 4
CPEN 432 Real-Time System Design 4
ELEC 433 Error Control Coding for Communications and Computers 3
ELEC 441 Control Systems 3
CPEN 441 Human Computer Interfaces in Engineering Design 4
CPEN 442 Introduction to Cybersecurity 4
ELEC 442 Introduction to Robotics 3
ELEC 451 Power Electronics 4
ELEC 453 Power System Analysis 4
ELEC 454 Power Systems Analysis II 4
CPEN 455 Deep Learning 4
ELEC 455 Power Systems Protection 3
ELEC 456 Decision Support Methods in Power Systems Operation 3
ELEC 457 Optimization of Power System Operation 3
ELEC 462 Sensors and Actuators in Microsystems 3
ELEC 463 Micro/Nanofabrication and Instrumentation Laboratory 3
ELEC 465 Microsystems Design 3
ELEC 471 Medical Imaging 3
ELEC 473 Biological Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems 3
ELEC 474 Biophotonics 3
CPEN/ELEC 481 Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects 3
APSC 486 New Venture Design 6
CPEN 491 Computer Engineering Capstone Design Project 10
ELEC 491 Electrical Engineering Capstone Design Project 10
ELEC 494 Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design Project 10
APSC 496 Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Project 1
CPEN/ELEC 497 Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP) 1
CPEN/ELEC 499 Undergraduate Thesis 3