Industry Partnerships

The relationship between alumni, industry, and UBC has diversified over the years to create a stronger community and meet industry research needs. ECE is active in various university-wide initiatives to engage both alumni and industry members with academic research. Lecture series and student eventsCo-opCapstone Projects, internships, and faculty consulting are a few opportunities for past graduates and industry to connect with ECE.


Undergraduate & Graduate Students

Over $125M

in industry partnerships since 2011

ECE Ranked #2

ECE Ranked #14

UBC Ranked #34

“[At ECE], I was lucky to have the opportunity to closely observe relationships between academia and industry, to learn how the two groups collaborate and move forward on innovative projects while balancing different interests.”

— Claire Preston, ECE MASc ’20
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Explore ways to get involved with ECE!

Work With a Student Design Team

Are you interested in becoming a Capstone partner?

ECE invites you to propose a project to our students which will prepare them for employment and in turn give you an opportunity to meet the next generation of graduates.

Senior students in teams of four to six work on projects proposed by industry, or other organizations. Each team is supervised by a faculty member who acts as the technical director, assisting or pointing the student to appropriate technical expertise.

Project topics:

– electrical and computer engineering

– software engineering

– energy

– biomedical devices

– microsystems

– nanotechnology

How it Works

A Capstone instructor assesses each proposal and provides feedback to you (the client). You are invited to revise your proposal based on the instructor’s feedback. Clients with successful proposals have the option to pitch their proposals to the Capstone students in early September. By the second week of September, each student bids on projects by ranking their top 10 preferred projects. This ranking is used to form teams. In 2018, 46 teams were formed from approximately one hundred proposals.

Our students and faculty would be working towards developing potential solutions with you from September and April. You will have ample opportunity to be actively engaged in the development of solutions.

Time Commitment

Partners are expected to support students define the problem and give feedback on their design solution.  The amount of time commitment required depends greatly on the type of project you propose.  As a minimum expect approximately 10 hours of engagement in September & October and a further 10 hour for the remainder of the term.


ECE will commit a significant amount of financial resources. To make this a successful partnership and a sustainable model, it is our hope that you and your organization will commit in a similar fashion, feasible for your organization.

Learn about past Capstone projects in the following areas:

Enhance How We Do Things


Facilitate Personal and Community Connection

Improve How We Make Things

Increase Safety and Reduce Risk

More Information


Paul Lusina

Capstone Coordinator

Hire a Student

The Engineering Co-op Program offered by the Faculty of Applied Science prepares students for the job market through valuable paid work experience. With specialized undergraduate programs designed for Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering and a combined MEng Electrical and Computer Engineering program, the Co-op Program gives students a first-hand look into industry.
The Engineering Co-op Program is designed to integrate academic studies and technical engineering work. These work terms are not internships, students must receive pay during their time working, which can assist with the cost of education. By participating in the program, students can complete their degree while building their skills and resumes with relevant work experience.

Learn more about Engineering Co-op

UBC Engineering Co-op
UBC Engineering Co-op
2385 East Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4

Collaborate With ECE Researchers

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is engaged in cutting-edge research, through partnerships with industry both abroad and at home in British Columbia. There are over 300 graduates working in our research labs, funded by over $125 million in industry partnerships since 2011. Our research spans the areas of biomedical technologies, communication systems, computer software systems, emerging micro/nano technologies, energy systems, and optimization and learning control.

Explore ECE research areas

Biomedical Technologies

ECE is engaged in cutting-edge biomedical technology research, which promises to have large impact on health care and quality of life. We use engineering methods to develop new devices, algorithms, and systems to improve disease diagnostics, treatment, and health care delivery.


Communication Systems

We are engaged in leading-edge research in many areas of communications, networking, and signal processing. We are driven by their potential impact on our society and environment. Our focus is on the design and evaluation of architectures, algorithms, protocols, and management strategies for communication systems.

Computer Software Systems

We are living in a world where computer systems pervade every aspect of our lives. These systems range from small, embedded devices to large-scale data centres and servers. The quality of our lives thus depend on the fast and correct operation of these systems; however, the complexity of these systems necessitates the application of rigorous design and analysis principles to ensure their performance, dependability, security and usability.

Emerging Micro/Nano Technologies

An exciting and emerging field of electronics in which technologies on the scale of a billionth of a meter integrate mechanical, fluidic, biological and optical components. Nanometer scale technologies are forcing changes in the way in which we view and use communications and information.

Energy Systems

We are dedicated to enhancing the understanding of the control, production, transmission and consumption of electrical energy by developing models, devices and software for faster and more accurate analysis of electromagnetic transients, rotating machines, distributed generation and advanced power electronic devices.I

Optimization, Learning, Control

Our vision is to formulate and solve fundamental problems arising in learning systems. These problems are motivated by the needs for safety, robustness and fairness of learning algorithms in applications ranging from healthcare, robotics and transportation to economics and public policy

Explore ECE Research News