Energy Systems

We are dedicated to enhancing the understanding of the control, production, transmission and consumption of electrical energy by developing models, devices and software for faster and more accurate analysis of electromagnetic transients, rotating machines, distributed generation and advanced power electronic devices.

The generation, transmission, distribution and processing of electrical energy, including renewable and sustainable energy sources and their integration within the modern electrical grid and community. Using applications such as the protection and reliable operation of the grid, electromechanical actuators, electric propulsion, electrical power systems of vehicles, aircraft and ships, we aim to have students gain experience through theoretical and practical training, for the continued management of increased electrical load demand. Utilizing innovative research to minimize such demand and the future impact of increased demand, students will develop a focus on alternative energy sources, better grid management, and will learn project-and-problem-based applications.

Name Research Interest
Christine Chen Power systems analysis and control, grid monitoring and analytics, renewable resource integration
L.R Linares Modeling and simulation of engineering systems, and their computer implementation.
Nicolas Jaeger Integrated-optics, fiber-optics, optical sensors, optical measurement of voltage and current in power substations, ultrahigh-speed electro-optic modulators, ultrahigh-speed measurement techniques.
Jesús Calviño-Fraga
Juri Jatskevich Power and energy systems, smart energy grids, power electronic systems and converter circuits, electrical machines and drives, controls, electromagnetic transients, computer modeling and simulation, distributed and parallel simulation
Dominic Liao-McPherson Predictive and Constrained Control, Multi-agent Systems, Algorithmic Game Theory, Real-time Embedded and Distributed Optimization, Energy Systems, Aerospace, Robotics.
John Madden Artificial muscle and application to medical devices, photosynthetic photovoltaics, super-capacitors, batteries, sensors, carbon nanotube devices.
José Martí Real-time simulation of electric power systems using multi-computer networks, partitioning techniques for the solution of large systems, multirate hybrid systems, signal propagation in distributed parameter and frequency dependent systems, switched devices and nonlinear elements.
Martin Ordonez Canada Research Chair - Power Converters for Renewable Energy Systems / Renewable power and energy systems, power electronics, power conversion architectures, and control systems.
Peyman Servati Low-cost and flexible photovoltaic (PV) devices, Flexible electronics, Semiconductor nanowires (NWs), Nanostrucutured electronic films, Nanostructure growth and synthesis, Nanocomposite electronics
Matthew Yedlin Acoustic wave propagation, including acoustic diffraction, asymptotic expansions, numerical wave modeling, laboratory wave modeling and source signature generation for seismic cross-well tomography. Applied digital signal processing.
Justin Zhang Power electronics, grid integration of alternative/renewable energy sources and electric vehicles, high-voltage DC (HVDC) grids, microgrids, cyber-security in energy systems.