Microcomputer Systems Design
Microprocessor and system buses; advanced I/O methods; priority interrupts; event/exception handling; serial I/O; computer networking; memory system design; interaction of hardware and software, microprocessor comparison, testability issues, safety critical systems. [3-2-0]
3 credits
Course Outline
Microcomputer Ssystems come in all shapes and sizes with differing levels of speed and sophistication, ranging from simple devices such as those made by Microchip, through to more sophisticated 8/16 bit microcontrollers such as the 8051/ARM etc. right up to multi-processor systems based on 16/32 bit architectures communicating along networks and backplanes.
The range of applications for microcomputer based systems is huge and getting bigger each year. These days a microcomputer can be found in virtually all household electrical items such as microwave ovens, dishwashers and toasters to VCR’s, DVD’s and Wireless Network Base Stations. Even your average car has a dozen or more microcontroller/microcomputers within it. The top of the range BMW and Mercedes Benz models have 60+ computers on board, controlling such things as engine management, automatic transmission, alarm/immobilizer, satellite navigation, entertainment etc.
At the more sophisticated end of the market, highly parallel, multi-processor systems are used in manufacturing, telecoms, military installations and air-traffic control systems.
This course will give you the necessary background to become a Microcomputer systems designer. You will learn how to analyze the requirements for a system, how to chose a suitable architecture and learn about a range of design and interfacing techniques.
Prerequisite: |
CPEN 311 – Digital Systems Design |
AND ONE of |
CPEN 211 – Introduction to Microcomputers |
CPEN 312 – Digital Systems and Microcomputers |