Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems – ERR CONTRL CODNG

This is a beginning level graduate course for students interested in learning about the fundamentals of error correcting codes. It is co-taught with ELEC 433 but graduate students are expected to do a project as well. Topics covered include (but not limited to): 1. Coding approaches and characteristics: Why codes, channel models and errors, coding gain and reliability. 2. Introduction to Finite Field Arithmetic. 3. Linear block codes, Hamming codes and maximal length sequences. 3. Cyclic and cyclic redundancy check codes, RM, BCH, RS and AG Codes. 4. Encoders and Decoders; Table look-up decoding, encoding and decoding using LFSR circuits. 5. Automatic repeat request techniques (ARQ), Hybrid FEC/ARQ techniques

3 credits