ELEC 211

Engineering Electromagnetics

Electrostatics, electric currents, dielectrics, capacitance, electrostatic potential, magnetostatics. [2-0-1]

2 credits

About the Course

This course is a complete integration of ELEC 211 and MATH 264.  Lectures topics are interwoven such that mathematical concepts are taught at appropriate times to support and illuminate the electromagnetics topics.  The course builds on what you have learned in 1st year physics (PHYS 157/8/9) but adds the framework of vector calculus – a key ingredient in taking the study of electromagnetics to the next level.

The majority of this course is dedicated to static problems (things not changing with time), though towards the end some slowly time-varying phenomena will be introduced.  The material contained in this course is key to the further study of nearly all areas of electrical engineering.



MATH 263 – Differential Equations

MATH 253 – Ordinary Differential Equations


PHYS 108 – Enriched Physics II

PHYS 118 – Electricity, Light and Radiation

PHYS 158 – Introductory Physics for Engineers II

*note APSC 178 also accepted


MATH 264 – Vector Calculus for Electrical Engineering

(MATH 264 will be taught with ELEC 211 in an integrated fashion; the two courses will share the 3 weekly hours allotted to them.)

More Information

UBC Course Page