Quantum Phenomena in Energy Conversion
This course explores the role of quantum physics in energy conversion for generating electricity. The key relevant concepts from classical thermodynamics and quantum mechanics are reviewed, and energy conversion technologies which indirectly involve quantum mechanics are discussed. This will set the stage for the main topics, which cover scenarios where quantum effects enter the energy conversion mechanisms non-trivially. This includes both the engineering of devices based on established concepts where quantum effects could play an important role but have not received sufficient attention in the past, and the exploration of new ideas of potentially even an exotic character. Activities include reading, analyzing, and discussing research papers, and carrying out computer simulations.
3 Credits
Mode of instruction: The classes will be in person.
Textbook: No textbook is required. All the material will be provided.
Pre/co-requisites: There is no formal pre/co-requisite, and the course is self-contained. However, a strong interest in physics and commitment to learning new concepts rapidly are required.
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