Semiconductor Lasers
An introduction to lasers and applications. Theory, modeling, fabrication and performance of semiconductor lasers. Optical communications links.
3 credits
Course Topics
- Introduction to the laser rate equation model
- Laser resonators, cavities, optical modes, Fabry-Perot, Laser Threshold Gain
- Spontaneous and stimulated emission, absorption, Gain, linewidth, homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening, saturation
- Semiconductor physics, band-diagrams
- Requirements for semiconductor lasers, carrier and light confinement, Homo- and hetero-junctions
- Gain and absorption in semiconductor media
- Rate Equations, modulation response
- Edge-emitting lasers, Fabry-Perot (FP lasers), FP Laser optical spectrum
- Material systems overview, band-diagram engineering, Quantum wells, quantum dots, quantum cascade, Expitaxial growth using MBE and MOCVD
- Wave Propagation in Periodic Media, Distributed Feedback, Distributed feebdack lasers (DFBs), Laser optical spectrum
- Vertical cavity lasers (VCSELs), Bragg reflectors, Tunable Lasers
- Semiconductor Laser fabrication, Lithography, Metal evaporation, etching
- Optical links, fiber communication
“Photonics: Optical Electronic in Modern Communications”, by A. Yariv and P. Yeh, 6th Ed., 2007.
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