Control Systems
Relationships between system parameters and system responses for linear control systems. Design specifications for dynamic and steady-state performance and realization by use of feedback control. Robust design of PID controllers and multivariable controllers. [3-0-0]
This course is an introductory course on linear control systems based on state-space models. The main goal of the course is to provide students with basic tools in modelling, analysis, and design for control and estimation. The analysis in this course includes stability, controllability, observability, and realization of state-space models, while the design methods are divided into pole placement and optimal methods for state feedback and observer design. The course will cover both continuous and discrete-time systems, as well as both time-invariant and time-varying systems while demonstrating applicability of the theory using real-world electrical engineering applications.
3 credits
G.C. Goodwin, S.F. Graebe and M. Salgado. Control System Design. Prentice Hall, 2001
Prerequisite: |
ELEC 341 – Systems and Control |
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