ELEC 471

Medical Imaging

Physical principles of ultrasound, magnetic resonance, computed tomography, nuclear medicine, and X-ray projection imaging. Applications in diagnostics, therapeutics, and interventions.

3 credits

Course Outline

A need exists to provide students with an understanding of the creation and analysis of medical images. Medical imaging is used in research areas ranging from surgical robotics to computer graphics. Students using medical images in their research need to know the fundamental limitations on their interpretation and use in computer analysis techniques. Students also need an awareness of how image analysis techniques are tailored to medical images.

Course Objectives

The course is expected to appeal to students in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, and Physics. The overall goal for all of these students is the same: To achieve a sufficient understanding of the principles of the most common medical imaging techniques and be able to implement various analysis algorithms while understanding their limitations.


ALL of
ELEC 221 – Signals and Systems
ELEC 311 – Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
ELEC 341 – Systems and Control
ELEC 371 – Biomedical Engineering Instrumentation