Scott Chin

Adjunct Professor
PhD. (UBC)

Office: KAIS 4025

Dr. Scott Chin’s research is focused on machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, FPGA architectures and EDA algorithms.  Since finishing his Ph.D. at UBC in 2011, where his research on computational scalability of computer aided design (CAD) algorithms won multiple awards, Scott has worked at multiple successfully exited high-tech startups.

Starting in 2011, Scott joined Veridae Systems as an early employee to develop complex routing and mapping algorithms for Veridae’s flagship Certus product. Veridae was quickly acquired by Tektronix. After Tektronix, Scott founded his own highly successful mobile app development company with over 10M downloads and strategic development grants from both Microsoft and Nokia. Later, Scott joined Invionics where he continued to develop complex software and algorithms for Invionics’ leading-edge Invio EDA Platform. Invio was acquired by EDA leader Verific Design Automation. Scott’s work on cutting-edge developments continued when he joined Qualcomm, as a result of acquisition, to implement unique and proprietary software/hardware technologies that were quickly adopted across Qualcomm’s IC portfolio.

Currently, Scott is Principal Architect and VP Research of Vancouver-based start-up Singulos Research Inc. where he is focused on developing innovative Deep Learning based IP and solutions.


Winter 2024
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Research Areas

  • Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) architectures, and computer-aided design (CAD) tools.
  • FPGA CAD runtime and memory requirement scalability.