Call for Capstone Proposals

2023-2024 Design & Innovation Day Project Showcase

Submissions for Capstone Proposals 2024/2025 are OPEN

Please contact Paul Lusina ( if you have questions about our next Capstone cohort, or check out our Capstone Client FAQs.

Interested in seeing what our students have to offer? Check out our 2023-2024 Design & Innovation Day showcase.

For examples of past capstone projects, we welcome you to view our capstone videos from 20212020, and 2019.

Are you interested in becoming a Capstone partner?

Please watch this 4 minute video to answer:

Why do organizations choose to be partners?

What is your role as a partner?

How do we manage intellectual property?

How can you get involved?

How does Capstone work for clients?

In the Capstone course, senior students in teams of four to six work on projects proposed by industry, or other organizations. Each team is supervised by a faculty member who acts as the technical director, assisting or pointing the student to appropriate technical expertise. You will act as the client.

The projects can be general projects in:

  • electrical and computer engineering
  • software engineering
  • energy
  • biomedical devices
  • microsystems
  • nanotechnology

Benefits of taking part!

How to get involved and what to expect!

ECE invites you to propose a project to our students which will prepare them for employment and in turn give you an opportunity to meet the next generation of graduates.

A Capstone instructor assesses each proposal and provides feedback to you (the client). You are invited to revise your proposal based on the instructor’s feedback. Clients with successful proposals have the option to pitch their proposals to the Capstone students in early September. By the second week of September, each student bids on projects by ranking their top 10 preferred projects. This ranking is used to form teams. In 2018, 46 teams were formed from approximately one hundred proposals.

Our students and faculty would be working towards developing potential solutions with you from September and April. You will have ample opportunity to be actively engaged in the development of solutions.

For detailed information about what a project proposal should look like and how to submit a proposal to us, please see our Project Submission Page.

Time Commitment

Partners are expected to support students define the problem and give feedback on their design solution.  The amount of time commitment required depends greatly on the type of project you propose.  As a minimum expect approximately 10 hours of engagement in September & October and a further 10 hour for the remainder of the term.

Capstone Course Timeline

 September – 1stweek of classClients pitch their project to students.  
 Mid-SeptemberStudent teams formed and clients are contacted
End of Milestone 1Mid-OctoberProject proposals due.  Client and instructor feedback
End of Milestone 2Early DecemberDesign review 1 due.  Client and instructor feedback
End of Milestone 3Mid-FebruaryDesign review 2 due.  Client and instructor feedback.
End of Milestone 4Early AprilProduct review due.  Client and instructor feedback
 Early April Design and Innovation Day public showcase hosted by APSC
 Mid-AprilClient receives all project deliverables and signs-off on the project.


ECE will commit a significant amount of financial resources. To make this a successful partnership and a sustainable model, it is our hope that you and your organization will commit in a similar fashion, feasible for your organization.

Submit a proposal!

2024/2025 project submissions are open

If you have any questions, please contact, or check out our Capstone Client FAQs.