UBC Electrical and Computer Engineering researchers have been awarded nearly $2.6 million from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) through its Discovery Grants Program.
The Discovery Grants support “ongoing programs of research with long-term goals rather than a single short-term project or collection of projects. These grants recognize the creativity and innovation that are at the heart of all research advances.”
Two UBC Electrical and Computer Engineering researchers also received nearly $300,000 in NSERC Research Tools and Instruments Grants.
The NSERC Research Tools and Instruments Grants “foster and enhance the discovery, innovation and training capability of university researchers in the natural sciences and engineering by supporting the purchase of research equipment.”
183 projects across UBC were awarded a total of $40.1 million from NSERC. For more information about these projects, please see the announcement of UBC’s Office of the Vice President Research and Innovation.
ECE Recipients: Discovery Grants
Beznosov, Konstantin
Novel Physical Protection of Personal Mobile Assets
Cheung, Karen
Microfluidics and inkjet for biomedical engineering materials
Fels, Sidney
Creating and Evaluating New Media Interfaces for Expression
Garbi, Rafeef
Towards Generalizable Reasoned Deep Learning for Efficient Interpretable Medical Image Computing
Jatskevich, Juri
Advanced Tools for Modelling and Analysis of Evolving Power and Energy Systems
Kamgarpour, Maryam
Stochastic Control for Large-Scale Safety-Critical Systems
$120,000 Discovery Accelerator Supplement
$12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement
Leung, Cyril
Energy efficiency and security for wireless communications
Marti, Jose
Advanced Hybrid SFA/EMTP Simulator for Seamless Integration of Power Systems Dynamics and EMT Transients
Pattabiraman, Karthik
Resilient, Secure, and Programmable Next-Generation Internet of Things (IoT)
Rohling, Robert
Advancing towards ubiquitous medical ultrasound
Shekhar, Sudip
Integrated Circuits for Large Arrays
ECE Recipients: Research Tools and Instruments Grants
Jatskevich, Juri
Hardware and Software for Power-HIL Real-Time Simulation Platform for Integrated AC-DC Energy Systems
Tang, Shuo
High-Repetition Rate Laser for Real-Time and 3D Photoacoustic Imaging