
Mentors can play an important role in a student’s academic and professional journey. They can help students develop their academic skills, find opportunities, and provide feedback and guidance about a program and the student experience. As an ECE student, there are many mentorship opportunities available to you throughout your degree, so we encourage you to review the programs listed below!

Online Career Mentor

Online career mentor is a networking platform where students can seek out career advice and mentorship regarding their program of study. How does it work? A student who is interested can sign up and search the online tool for ECE alumni or current graduate students who match their interests. If a connection is made, the student and the alumni/grad student mentor can connect for advice over “virtual coffee” either by phone or online. Alumni are also encouraged to use the platform themselves for networking with others whose experiences might interest them, including faculty, staff and other fellow alumni.

Engineering Mentorship Program

Volunteer as a mentor with the UBC Engineering Mentoring Program – share your knowledge and experience with students who are defining their career path, expanding their professional network and developing important professional skills. As a mentor, you will have the opportunity to support one or two undergraduate and/or graduate engineering students who have similar interests. Our goal for our mentors is to connect with their mentee(s) on a monthly basis after the formal launch of the program in September of each year.

Graduate Mentorship Program

Participate in the UBC Applied Science Engineering Mentoring Program, which offers an outstanding opportunity to develop impactful relationships with industry professionals and other students, while developing vital communication skills.

Faculty Mentoring Program (UBC Okanagan)

Participate in the UBC Applied Science Engineering Mentoring Program, which offers an outstanding opportunity to develop impactful relationships with industry professionals and other students, while developing vital communication skills.

High School Mentorship Program

Women in Engineering’s High School Mentorship is a program for female grade 11-12 high school students interested in learning about engineering, gaining insight into the university application process, and hearing from current undergrad and grad students about their engineering experiences. Through this program, our hope is to provide inclusive and equitable access to engineering and to offer professional, academic, and interpersonal guidance to mentees as they transition into post-secondary.

InSTEM Mentorship Program

Geering Up’s InSTEM Mentorship Program aims to break down barriers preventing Indigenous youth living in rural communities from pursuing a post-secondary education or career in STEM.

entrepreneurship@UBC Mentor Network

entrepreneurship@UBC works with dedicated mentors throughout their regional innovation ecosystem who invest their time, expertise and insights into growing the early-stage ventures of tomorrow. 

Their mentors play a critical role in guiding our founders throughout their venture building journeys, working hands-on with teams to deepen their understanding of building a company and broadening their networks.