Energy Aware’s successful Kickstarter campaign funds energy saving sensor

Neurio is a sensor made by Energy Aware that tracks the use of power by appliances in the home. The company raised nearly $267,373 through Kickstarter to help bring the sensor to market. This terrific invention originated as Janice Cheam’s team project in New Venture Design, a course that brings business students together with engineering students. Now Janice runs the company bringing this idea to market.

Ali Kashani, vice president of software development at Energy Aware, who completed his PhD at ECE, described the importance of the sensor to CBC News, “You realize when you turned everything off, your home is still using a lot of energy. That’s a really good sign that there is something going on that you need to know about. I had a broken heater that I didn’t know about. I had a stereo that was on even when I was turning it off and this was adding up to about $30 to $40 in costs a month that I didn’t even know about.” 

Read the full story at CBCNews, B.C. entrepreneur invents energy-saving sensor