Karthik Pattabiraman and Matei Ripeanu receives 2018 Faculty Research Awards

Matei Ripeanu (left) and Karthik Pattabiraman (right)

ECE professors Karthik Pattabiraman and Matei Ripeanu are recipients of UBC’s 2018 Faculty Research Awards. Professor Pattabiraman received the UBC Killam Research Prize, which recognizes outstanding research and scholarly contributions. Professor Ripeanu received UBC’s Killam Research Fellowship, which enables faculty to pursue full-time research during a recognized study leave.

Professor Pattabiraman’s work in the area of dependable computer systems has led to the adoption of low-cost techniques to protect everyday common computer systems, such as desktop computers, mobile phones and self-driving cars, from errors and failures. He has also received numerous prestigious accolades and awards, most recently a Distinguished Alumni Educator Award for Early Career Educator from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Professor Pattabiraman’s transformative research has significantly impacted academia and industry, and continues to shape the future of dependable computer systems. For more details on professor Pattabiraman’s research, please see his website: blogs.ubc.ca/karthik

On his upcoming study leave professor Ripeanu will focus on two projects: solutions to process time-evolving large-scale graphs (with collaborators at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) and blockchain-based solutions for markets in computing resources (with collaborators at iExec). Professor Ripeanu was recently recognized for his impact as a mentor having received the 2018 Killam Award for Excellence in Mentoring. For more details on professor Ripeanu’s research, please visit his group website: netsyslab.ece.ubc.ca

Full list of this year’s Faculty Research Award winners is available here.