Secure and Efficient Trade with Asia: ECE’s Aurora project is breaking the bottlenecks in commercial transport

For many of us, the daily commute is a routine activity to or from work. However, every now and then, accidents, construction or poor weather conditions cause delays and aggravation. When shipping materials is your livelihood, these delays cost time, money and have an impact on the environment.

The UBC Aurora project, led by Dave Michelson and Victor Leung, pioneers a state-of-the-art network of commercial and heavy vehicles. The research supports Canada’s Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor in creating the best transportation network facilitating global supply chains between North America and Asia. Vehicles and material will be tracked in real time over a private secure wireless communication network. In early 2014, the first instance of this network will be deployed at UBC’s Point Grey campus and will help UBC operations manage the flow of goods, services and waste in order to increase efficiency and contribute to UBC’s goal of zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

This project is funded by Transportation Canada, ECE and Sauder School of business and will use technology supplied by Ruggedcom wireless products.