Vijay Bhargava receives IEEE Outstanding Service Gold Medal

IEEE Canada has recognized Vijay Bhargava’s sustained and distinguished service to Region 7 by awarding him the 2012 IEEE Canada W.S. Read Outstanding Service Gold Medal. Vijay’s many years of service for IEEE Region 7 (Canada) began in Montreal. He served as Student Branch counsellor at Concordia, then in various capacities including Section Chair, and later similarly in Victoria Section. In 1987 he founded the IEEE Pacific Rim Conference in Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, the now well-established, biennial conference in Victoria. In the same year Vijay was appointed editor-in-chief of the Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He founded the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering which is now a flageship conference of IEEE Canada celebrating its Silver Anniversary. He served as the Director of Region 7 (Canada) during 1992 and 1993. During his tenure he forged new programs, initiated steps for the creation of IEEE Canada, and led the building of a massive reserve for the Region. He was nominated twice for the Office of IEEE President-Elect.

A Fellow of the IEEE, the Royal Society of Canada, the Canadian Academy of Engineering and the EIC, Vijay’s teaching, research and service to the profession have been recognized through various awards, including IEEE Canada’s Outstanding Engineering Educator Award in 2010. 

Congratulations Vijay!