“Don’t Call Us We’ll Call You: Understanding JavaScript Callbacks” wins Best Paper Award for Keheliya Gallaba

Keheliya Gallaba, a graduate student working in ECE’s Software Analysis and Testing (SALT) Lab, has just brought home a Best Paper Award from the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement.  Keheliya’s research focus is software analysis of modern web applications. His award-winning paper sprang from his interest in server-side JavaScript code.

Keheliya’s co-authors, Ali Mesbah (ECE), and Ivan Beschastnikh (Computer Science)  are also his co-supervisors while he works toward his MASc. In the paper, “Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You: Characterizing Callbacks in JavaScript” the authors perform a large-scale study of how developers write complex asynchronous code using callbacks. They hope the findings of their study can be used to inform the design of future JavaScript analysis and code comprehension tools.

In his time away from software engineering,  Keheliya has used his design savvy with a love of history to create a beautifully illustrated timeline of Sri Lanka, his home country, beginning in 600BC and continuing to the present.

The ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, the premier venue on empirical research in software engineering, encourages the exchange of ideas that help communicate the strengths and weaknesses of software engineering technologies and methods from an empirical viewpoint.

photo:The SALT lab group: In the front row third from left is Keheliya Gallaba and his supervisor Ali Mesbah is first from right in the back-row.

Find out more:

Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You: Characterizing Callbacks in JavaScript, by Keheliya Gallaba, Ali Mesbah, and Ivan Beschastnikh

Software Analysis and Testing Laboratory (SALT Lab)

ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement