Congratulations Darla and Sathish

Two members of the Department were recently recognized for their outstanding contributions to the Faculty by Dean Marc Parlange: Darla La Pierre and Sathish Gopalakrishnan.

Dean Parlange praised Darla’s service to APSC. “Year after year, Darla La Pierre has consistently shown extraordinary talent and resourcefulness to help the ECE department meet its academic and operational objectives, way beyond her current job description. She has driven numerous changes in the department: in personnel, structure, business operations, workflows and policies. She is a dynamic, energetic, and positive person, leading by example and by her actions, which has gained her the respect and admiration of the people she deals with, inside and outside the unit: students, faculty and staff. Her contributions to the evolution of the department into a successful unit are truly exemplary.” Darla received the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Service.

When awarding the inaugural Faculty Service Awards, Dean Parlange described Sathish’s outstanding contribution to ECE. “Sathish demonstrates enormous energy and enthusiasm for improving the overall experience for all Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering members and stakeholders. He is always willing to take on projects that make the Department more successful.  An outstanding example of his service contribution was his work on the ECE curriculum, revamping it in a way that managed to attend to the academic needs of the program, the budget, the student workload, and accreditation demands. This required many long and delicate conversations with colleagues, a significant amount of research, and a deep respect for department culture.  Another recent example of his service commitment was his leadership in the long and involved process of developing a teaching workload policy. Although such processes are typically contentious and tend to spark lively departmental discussions, this process is near completion. His Head describes Sathish’s work on this as nothing short of outstanding.”

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2014 Applied Science recognizes outstanding staff and faculty