Statistical models improve ultrasound-guided spinal injections | A Best Paper

Purang Abolmaesumi, Robert Rohling and conference chair Pierre Jannin at the International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions, Fukuoka Japan

A recent paper from ECE’s Robotics and Control Lab won this year’s Philips/IPCAI Audience Best Presentation Award. The paper describes the methods behind a multi-centre study on how 3D ultrasound, when linked to a statistical model of the vertebrae, can help a radiologist guide a needle into the spine for pain relief. This research is the result of a collaboration between many engineers, clinicians and students as well as a the patients who volunteered for the study.

This is the fourth year in a row that a paper from the Robotics and Control Lab has won first place at IPCAI. Research from the lab is improving the guidance of needles that require delicate placement, such as epidurals during delivery, by improving ultrasound imaging.

Read the winning paper:
A. Rasoulian, J. Osborn, S. Sojoudi, S. Nouranian, V. Lessoway, R. Rohling, P. Abolmaesumi. “A system for ultrasound-guided spinal injections: a feasibility study”, Information Processing in Computer Assisted Interventions, Fukuoka, Japan.  Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8498, D. Stoyanov et al (Eds.), Springer International, pp. 90-99, 2014.

Find out more:

Ultrasound guided epidural anaesthesia

International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions