Graduate Course List

Browse the table below for all of our graduate level courses. Not all courses listed are offered every year, and we recommend that you visit the UBC Course Schedule for the most up-to-date and accurate course listings for the upcoming terms.

Please note that there are usually less courses available during the summer months, so please take this into account when planning your courses.

If you are a graduate student unable to register for a course that is restricted or requires specific pre-requisites, you will need to complete the Course Registration Form and have the course instructor sign the form (as well as your supervisor if you are a MASc or PhD student). Course Registration Forms should be submitted to

For our undergraduate courses, please visit: Undergraduate Course Page

CPEN 502 Architecture for Learning Systems 3
CPEN 511 Advanced Computer Architecture 3
CPEN 513 Computer-Aided Design Algorithms for Integrated Circuits 3
CPEN 514 Quantum Information and Computation 3
CPEN 523 Software Project Management 3
CPEN 533 Error Resilient Computing Systems 3
CPEN 534 Trade-offs in Designing Computer Systems 3
CPEN 542 Cybersecurity 3
CPEN 642 Cybersecurity Research Seminar 9
ELEC 501 Analog Integrated Circuit Design 3
ELEC 502 Advanced Topics in VLSI Design 3
ELEC 505 Integrated Circuits for Phase-Locked Loops 3
ELEC 506 CMOS Design for Photonics 3
ELEC 507 Mixed-Signal and RF Integrated Circuits and Systems Test 3
ELEC 523 Medical Imaging 3
ELEC 524 Advanced Biophotonics 3
ELEC 542 Computational Quantum Methods for the Nanoscale 3
ELEC 543 Green Nanoelectronic Devices 3
ELEC 544 Advanced Microsystems Design 3
ELEC 546 Micro and Nano Fabrication Technologies 3
ELEC 574 Self-Tuning Control 3
ELEC 581 Active Silicon Photonics Design 3
ELEC 582 Optical Fibers and Devices 3
ELEC 584 Nanophotonics Fabrication 3
EECE 501 Mathematical Methods for Electrical and Computer Engineering 3
EECE 541 Multimedia Systems 3
EECE 549 Dynamic Modeling of Electric Machines and Controls 3
EECE 550 Topics in Power Electronic Design 3
EECE 553 Advanced Power Systems Analysis 3
EECE 555 Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems 3
EECE 565 Communication Networks 3
EECE 560 Network Analysis and Simulation 3
EECE 562 Statistical Signal Processing 3
EECE 566 Information and Coding Theory 3
EECE 567 Power System Dynamics and Stability 3
EECE 568 From Exploring to Building Machine Learning Models 3
EECE 570 Fundamentals of Visual Computing 3
EECE 571A Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems - ANT PROPGTN II 3
EECE 571B Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems – FDN OF BLOCKCHN 3
EECE 571C Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems - BLOC & DSTR LEDG 3
EECE 571D Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems - Power Electronics for Modern Power Systems 3
EECE 571E Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems - ERR CONTRL CODNG 3
EECE 571F Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems -Advanced Deep Learning 3
EECE 571G Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems - BLOCKCHN SFW ENG 3
EECE 571I Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems - TST&RELIB OF ICS 3
EECE 571J Trustworthy Machine Learning 3
EECE 571L Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems - DP LRNG DG MEDIA 3
EECE 571N Quantum Phenomena in Energy Conversion 3
EECE 571P Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems - Dependable and Secure Autonomous Systems 3
EECE 571R Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems - Modern Optical Engineering 3
EECE 571S Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems- AMP FOR FPGA 3
EECE 571T Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems - ADV MCH LNG TL 3
EECE 571V Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems – VCT CMP ARCH PGM 3
EECE 571W Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems – TCA EMB IOT APP 3
EECE 571Y Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems - DPNB SFTW SYSTEM 3
EECE 571Z Electrical Engineering Seminar and Special Problems - CONVEX OPTMIZATN 3
EECE 589 Introduction to Robotics 3
EECE 597 MEng Directed Research 6
EECE 599 Thesis 12
EECE 699 Doctoral Dissertation 0
EECE 699 Doctoral Dissertation 0