Emerging Micro/Nano Technologies

An exciting and emerging field of electronics in which technologies on the scale of a billionth of a meter integrate mechanical, fluidic, biological and optical components. Nanometer scale technologies are forcing changes in the way in which we view and use communications and information.

With a strong emphasis on experimentation and fabrication, the applications will span the areas of biomedical devices, nano-computing, nano-devices, energy, optical communications, sensors and actuators. We thrive on our ability to fabricate almost anything we can imagine at the micro and nano scales; if it doesn’t already exist, we research novel nano-fabrication and rapid prototyping methods. Our dedicated team of visionary and exploratory researchers working together on multidisciplinary problems creates a unique advantage for us here at the ECE; where else will you find faculty asking the same questions that you are? Students will be engaged in theory and practice, studying the core engineering curriculum, as well as courses in nano and micro technologies.

Name Research Interest
Karen Cheung Biomedical microsystems for diagnostic and therapeutic applications, dielectric spectroscopy for flow cytometry, implantable polymer-based microelectrode arrays, integrated cell culture systems.
Lukas Chrostowski Semiconductor lasers, optical communications, high-speed laser modulation, VCSELs, photonic integrated circuits (PICs), biophotonics.
Edmond Cretu Microsystems, adaptive MEMS, micro-instrumentation, nonlinear signal processing, BioMEMS. ultrasound imaging
Adrien Desjardins Imaging and sensing, robotics, optics, ultrasound, machine learning; marine and biomedical applications.
Andre Ivanov VLSI design and test, design for testability, fault tolerance, fault modeling and simulation, test generation, built-in self-test, built-in current testing, infrastructure IP for systems on chip, systems on chip design and test, analog and mixed signal design and test, networks on chip, fault diagnosis, design validation, post-silicon debug
Nicolas Jaeger Integrated-optics, fiber-optics, optical sensors, optical measurement of voltage and current in power substations, ultrahigh-speed electro-optic modulators, ultrahigh-speed measurement techniques.
John Madden Artificial muscle and application to medical devices, photosynthetic photovoltaics, super-capacitors, batteries, sensors, carbon nanotube devices.
Joseph Salfi Quantum information science and technology: investigation, realization and assembly of building blocks for quantum computers, simulators and networks using solid-state and silicon-based approaches.
Alireza Nojeh Nanostructures (esp. based on carbon nanotubes), controlled nanofabrication, electron emission phenomena, electron microscopy, modeling and simulation of nanoscale systems.
Peyman Servati Low-cost and flexible photovoltaic (PV) devices, Flexible electronics, Semiconductor nanowires (NWs), Nanostrucutured electronic films, Nanostructure growth and synthesis, Nanocomposite electronics
Sudip Shekhar microelectronics, integrated circuits, CMOS circuit design for wireless, wireline and silicon photonics applications.
Saloome Motavas
Boris Stoeber Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), microfluidics, sensor technology, integrated microsystems for biomedical applications and for environmental control.
Kenichi Takahata Micromachined sensors and actuators, MEMS, implantable micro devices, micro-scale wireless sensing/control, 3-D micro fabrication techniques, micro electrodischarge machining and control.
Shuo Tang Biophotonics, biomedical optics, optical tissue imaging instrumentation, optical coherence tomography, multiphoton microscopy.
Shahriar Mirabbasi Analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits and systems design, integrated circuit design with an emphasis on high-speed data communication and signal processing applications.
Konrad Walus Nanoelectronic devices and circuits, quantum-dot cellular automata, single-electron transistors, quantum mechanical simulations