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Design + Innovation Day Award Winners

Design + Innovation Day Award Winners

This year, UBC Applied Science hosted their fifth annual Design + Innovation Day! At this event, students in their final year of undergraduate studies showcase their year-long Capstone projects.

ECE Projects Awarded Over $1.85M in NSERC Alliance Grants

ECE Projects Awarded Over $1.85M in NSERC Alliance Grants

Four research projects led by UBC Electrical and Computer Engineering researchers have collectively been awarded over $1.85 million in Alliance grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

Former Nuclear Bunker Now Hosts Life-saving Research

Former Nuclear Bunker Now Hosts Life-saving Research

A Cold War-era nuclear bunker buried 500 metres below the countryside in southern France hums with new life today as an epicentre of vital research in science and technology.