Dropping/Withdrawing Courses

Please Note: Withdraw (W) standings are not included in your overall GPA calculation and will not affect your academic standing in the program. As graduate students pay tuition on an instalment basis and not per course, there is also no financial penalty for withdrawing from a course.

2024 Summer Dates

Last day to drop a course without a W (Withdrawn) standing:
– Term 1 course: Friday, May 17th, 2024
– Full Session Term 1-2 course: Monday, May 27th, 2024
– Term 2 course: Monday, July 8th, 2024

  • To have a course removed completely from your record after this date, students must:
    1. Complete a course registration form for a Course Drop and obtain the instructor’s approval (https://www.grad.ubc.ca/forms/registration-change-registration-form)
    2. Contact your ECE Graduate Advisor directly and obtain a written supporting rationale in addition to a signature on the course registration form (simply signing the form is not sufficient, a rationale must be included.)
      • For MEng students: Leo Stocco, leos@ece.ubc.ca
      • For MASc/PhD Students: Lutz Lampe, lampe@ece.ubc.ca
    3. Submit completed registration form and rationale to help@ece.ubc.ca for further processing by ES (MEng) or G+PS (MASc and PhD)

Last day to drop a course in SSC with a W standing (no approvals/department involvement required):
– Term 1 course: Friday, June 7th, 2024
– Full Session Term1-2 course: Friday, July 5th, 2024
– Term 2 course: Friday, July 26th, 2024

  • To drop a course with a W standing after this date, students must:
    1. Complete a course registration form for a Course Drop and obtain the instructor’s approval (https://www.grad.ubc.ca/forms/registration-change-registration-form)
    2. Contact your ECE Graduate Advisor directly and obtain a written supporting rationale in addition to a signature on the course registration form (simply signing the form is not sufficient, a rationale must be included.)
      • For MEng students: Leo Stocco, leos@ece.ubc.ca
      • For MASc/PhD Students: Lutz Lampe, lampe@ece.ubc.ca
    3. Submit completed registration form and rationale to help@ece.ubc.ca for further processing by ESS (MEng) or G+PS (MASc and PhD)
  • Note: After the above noted deadlines, a W standing will only be granted if the request is approved, the course will not be removed completely from a student’s record unless under extraordinary circumstances.

Each request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. As there is no guarantee of approval, we encourage students to familiarize themselves with all dates and deadlines to avoid unexpected issues throughout the term. https://www.calendar.ubc.ca/vancouver/index.cfm?page=deadlines