
All information on graduate student withdrawals at UBC can be found here: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/policies-procedures/withdrawal

Required to Withdraw

Students will normally be required to withdraw if they do not make adequate academic progress according to the requirements outlined in the section “Academic Progress”. When a student is required to withdraw, the academic record will indicate “required to withdraw”.

Voluntary Withdrawal

A student wishing to voluntarily withdraw from the University must obtain the approval of their Supervisor and Graduate Advisor. When the withdrawal is approved, the academic record will indicate “voluntary withdrawal”, the date of withdrawal and a standing of W in all courses not completed on that date.

If withdrawal is not approved, the student will remain registered in all courses and a final grade and/or standing will be assigned at the end of the term.

A student who does not complete formal withdrawal procedures will be liable for all assessed fees until such procedures are completed.

Withdrawal for Non-Registration

A student who fails to register and/or becomes absent without leave from their program for two or more consecutive terms will normally be withdrawn from the program. The Department must first make reasonable attempts to contact the student by email and regular mail. If there is no response after repeated attempts, the Department may recommend that the student be withdrawn. The Department must send copies of the written attempts to contact the student and a memo confirming the non-registration and non-attendance of the student to Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

The academic record will indicate “withdrawal – did not register”.

Required to Withdraw for Non-Academic Reasons

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies reserves the right to require a student to withdraw from a program of study if the Faculty, in consultation with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, considers the student to be unsuited to proceed with the study or practice of the chosen discipline or field of study. Request to withdraw for non-academic reasons would not prevent the student from immediately applying for entry into a different program of study.

A student must be informed in writing by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of unsatisfactory progress and given an opportunity to discuss the matter with their Supervisor before any recommendation for withdrawal is made to Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.