Real-Time System Design
In this course we will be studying the theoretical underpinnings of real-time compute systems, as well as practical aspects related to embedded systems. The course covers a wide range of topics, including scheduling theory (analysis and design of task scheduling algorithms and schedulability analysis), mixed-criticality systems, resource sharing protocols, real-time operating system principles, hardware/software co-design, energy efficiency, real-time communication, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and the Internet Of Things (IoT), fault-tolerance and reliability, among other topics. Stundents can expect to get a hands-on experience programming state-of-the-art embedded systems and working with real-time operating systems and industry-strength development tools.
4 credits
Required: Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Hard Real-Time Computing Systems, 3rd edition. The electronic version of the text is available for full download to UBC students at UBC Library’s webpage.
Optional: Jane W. S. W. Liu. 2000. Real-Time Systems.
Additional readings and material not covered in the text will be posted in readings.
Prerequisite: |
ONE of |
CPEN 331 – Operating and File Systems |
CPEN 333 – System Software Engineering |
CPSC 313 – Computer Hardware and Operating Systems |